ETI Careers

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Looking for a career that matters?

ETI is looking for good people. People who want to make a change in the Electrotechnology industry across Western Australia.

Whether that is someone training the next generation of electricians at one of our colleges, someone who wants to keep our apprentices safe on site, or even someone who crunches the numbers at head office - we're looking for great people to add to our team.

Why work for ETI?

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World-Class EAP Programs

At ETI, we believe that employees are the best when they're feeling supported. That's why we partner with a world-class EAP provider to ensure that our people are able to find help, no matter what the situation.

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Health Reimbursement Programme

We know that health is just jump important for our people, but also to help the business operate efficiently. That why we offer a reimbursement for our employees when they do something for their health - whether thats join a gym, a running club, or even something for your mental health. 

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Loyalty Program

We have lots of long-standing people amongst our people here at ETI. That's why we offer reward the longer you stay with us - because we are confident you'll be here for a long time. 

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Medibank Heath Cover Discount

We've partnered with Medibank to give our people a discount on their health insurance. It's just a little way for ETI to say thank you to our employees. 

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Gym Membership Discount

We've also partnered with Jetts fitness to bring discounted gym rates for all our employees - up to 17% discount for their own gym membership, with access to all of the Jetts Gyms, 24/7, worldwide.

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Professional Membership Network Claims

We know that sometimes it's not what you know, it's not who you know, it's who knows you. That's why, to help update skills, knowledge and maintain professional networks,ETI permanent employees can claim up $1000 a year for memberships to  relevant professional associations.

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JB Hi-Fi Benefits

Everyone who is part of the ETI family has access to a special JB Hi-Fi corporate sales rate - give them access to special rates on everything from TVs to Vacuum Cleaners.

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Hyundai Fleet Discount

The the free parking at our Balcatta Head Office - or any of our locations - you might just need a car to get there. Lucky for our employees then that we partner with Hyundai to ofer some incredible discounts on the entire range of Hyundai cars. 

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