Fees may be waived for individual learners who are able to demonstrate that payment of fees would produce financial hardship.
Waiving of fees covering “Financial Hardship” is in accordance with the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development guidelines.
Concession Fees
Learners meeting one or more of the following criteria are eligible for concession fees:
Persons who have reached the age of 15 but who have not reached 18 years of age, and who are not due to reach 18 years of age in the calendar year for which they enrol.
Persons and dependants of persons holding a Pensioner Concession Card
Persons and dependants of persons holding a Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Person and dependants of persons holding a Health Care Card
Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of the Youth Allowance
Persons and dependants of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution
Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of services from the Commonwealth’s ParentsNext program
Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of services from the Commonwealth's Workforce Australia program